You can't have a blog on Greasy joints and not include Ross' Restaurant in Bettendorf (430 14th st). Ross' is a 24/7 family diner that opened in 1944 by Harold Ross. His daughter now owns and operates it. Ross' is popular with truckers, drunks, and old fogeys. We don't fall into those categories, we just like yummy fatty food.

Cool mural and decor on the walls. cool chick in the booths
The restaurant is known for their Magic Mountains, of which there are many varieties but the breakfast one is the best. They start with a piece of texas toast, add hashbrowns, a sausage patty, scrambled eggs, and cheese sauce or breakfast gravy...or both. The dinner varieties are similar but with different meats, french fries, and chili.

A lovely shade of yellow not found in nature
Richie has conquered many a mountain before. (sadly it will be the only mountain he will ever conquer) This one was no exception.

He added ketchup and tabasco. ~gag~

I have had a breakfast mtn after running the Bix 7 and let's just say it didn't sit well with me.
Soo I got some fried pickles! I'm on a pickle kick lately. and no i'm not prego. it comes with ranch for dipping.

I twist my Picklestache while devising evil plots!

They have lots of pie choices that are written on a daily specials board. We chose lemon crunch which has lemon custard and a yummy streusal topping.

Dieters beware, no one goes to Ross' for their salad. I also recommend the chili cheese fries!

I do love me some Ross'. And what a NANCY!!! How can you not finish the mountain?! I'm a huge fan of the morning mountain as well as the volcano, myself. I need to get back there!