Bare Bones BBQ is located in the old Waffle House restaurant near the airport in Moline (2401 69th Ave). I can't even tell you the last time I had good barbeque. Probably when we visited North Carolina in 2009. Good BBQ in the QC is scarce as a hens teeth, but I spotted this place during an airport pick-up and immediately notified Richie of the grand discovery.

Once again, he took his new partner in crime, Bateman, to the restaurant to check it out, but luckily I scored some takeout.

Richie was fixin to put some brisket and beans in his bread basket.

So tender and rich, the brisket was *almost* melt-in-your-mouth.

Beans were sweet and adorned with small pieces of brisket. Because who doesn't want meat with your meat? Sauce is sweet and spicy, but not too hot. It's always served on the side.

I reckon he inhaled this feast in nearabout 2 shakes of a lamb's tail.

Bean porn

Cornbread...the bane of my existence, the reason for his. Richie declared it hunky dorey fluffy.

Bateman inspecting his cornbread specimen

Ain't bringin a doggy bag home tonight.
Luckily, my pork sandwich takeout arrived unscathed, and though I wasn't fixin on eating it all, it was gone in a snap. Pork was juicy and the perfect complement to the sweet sauce. Their buns ain't no Wonder Bread, they were very soft and flavorful.
I can't find much of a web presence for Bare Bones, but be sure y'all skedaddle over to Moline for some quality Southern barbeque.