One of a dying breed... an old fashioned drug store with a lunch counter! Boone Drug (617 W King) originally opened in 1919. Like many pharmacies at the time, they included a soda fountain and lunch counter. Unlike many of those pharmacies, they continue to serve food and ice cream today.

We snagged a bright yellow booth and was waited on by a young girl in a paper hat. Delightful!

The menu is typical lunch fare such as burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, and wraps. With a side of codeine.

They seemed to training some new people, so the food took awhile to come out, but it was really good. I was expecting mediocre average lunch fare, but everyone was really happy with how their food came out.

Cooking up meth and burgers
Richie got a burger of course. It's so cute, it almost looks fake with that round bun and green lettuce poking out.

Straight from an Archie comic.

and Richie IS Jughead
He also tried some Blue Sky Root Beer.

I got a blackened chicken wrap. That sucker was spicy! Like snot was running out of my nose spicy. And, as you can see, the veggies were very fresh and not from a bagged salad.

My only complaint is that they claim to be a soda fountain, yet didn't offer any homemade soda concoctions. They did have ice cream floats and shakes though.

So it was a pretty neat place to visit for lunch. It's one of those places old people probably love to take their grandkids to so they can tell them boring stories about getting sodie pops there as youths. The drug store part came in handy too, as I was able to pick up some Tums and hydrocortisone after we ate.